An old iPhone 3G that has no service. I’d use it like an iPod Touch. No phone, no data plan, no bill.
I can check email, weather, maps, and twitter and such. What more would I need?
The thought of bringing this has been on the seesaw more than anything else. Not for the decision to have a phone(that makes phone calls) or not. I know I do not want a phone while on tour. But rather the decision of having the internet in my pocket at all. I don’t really want to have the internet with me if I’m touring. But I likely will(meaning i think i will bring this). Although internet would only be in places that offer it, coffee shops, spots like that.
I figure I can post here and on twitter and email friends. I’d use the calculator in grocery stores to get the best deals.
It has an alarm and I’ll put some of my favorite Lil’ Wayne songs on there too.
Worth the weight? We’ll see.
I don’t think it would last through a long trip.
I bought this used from a friend who upgraded. I did use it as my phone for about 6 months but I got sick of giving AT&T money.
Cost: $80 used
Weight: 4.8oz (138g) w/o charger
Made in China