propane tank and guard

Because I have yet to install a on board water heater I had to develop my winter shower routine.
First, source hot/warm water from a utility sink I have access to.
Fill my 5 gal can as full as I can before the hotness craps out.
Back at truck and hopefully on level ground so the shower pan will drain well. This is only an issue if not driving again same day. or I’ll just wipe up what’s remaining.
2 towels ready bc the air temp is usually around freezing or below.
Start Lil Mr. Buddy propane heater.
Wash up as briskly as I can.
Dry up with one towel over my head and a second for the rest.
Sit in front of heater for a few.
One thing I was stuck on was the tubing I drop into the 5gal. water can would curl up and the water wasn’t all usable. I solved this by inserting it into a scrap length of copper tubing to keep it straight and find the bottom of the water can. Also snipped out a side cut at the end of the tubing that draws water to avoid any suction that would impede flow. Works like a charm.
Eyes up. Seat belts on.
More for emergency use only, I’d bought this shortly after buying the truck itself. Also a made in USA wool blanket to have for emergencies and regular use.
I did check that the heater worked and I’ve not used it since. Tonight it’s like 24° so I’m putting it to a real test. Keep me warm tonight. I’m hoping it’s staying in the emergency category vs regular use/buying fuel often.
Today is 2 months of living in my truck and it’s been ok. The first 4 days were driving days, since then it’s been all in New York City.
It was 44°f when I woke up today. Daily temperatures will be going down. I have no heat in the truck other than a small propane heater for emergency use.
Before winter weather hits I want make sure I’m warm enough. So put heater to regular use, or go South is the question.
I’d like to visit many more places I’ve not been to in this country before I go over seas to tour in Europe or somewhere over an ocean. I daydream about doing a tour of Scotland next after next. And I might just do that. But I could also tour south, and go very far and find many places I’ve never been. I have little interest in paying airfare to ride my bike. So the thought of Latin America as a next after next is a good possibility. But I don’t speak Spanish. There is a lot I think about that but finding this book, and blog is helpful.
More: elpedalero.com
Ok. i dont know anything but i should try to do something. get some things done. Winter is so long over that the longest day of the year has passed. Dam.
I just was going to set up my tent just to see if any mice chewed holes in it or if it stunk so bad I’d need to wash or get a new one. The tent is fine. It’s the poles that are messed. The elastic is baked and does not draw the sections together. Might call about replacements.
My sleeping bag need a cleaning. Gonna take that on soon. The down soap is about $10, hand wash, then a long low heat dryer session.
I found some nice Outlier buffalo leather insoles that i forgot i had and put them in my shoes. Bet that might help a lil vs the foam whatevers they came with.
Bought a few lil things for my dopp kit & first aid kit.
Acquired some Black US made 330(i think) Cordura that I plan on remaking my rear panniers in.
Still not sure what lens combo to bring. 28mm, 50mm, 85mm. Or 24-105mm, 50mm. Or 16-35mm, 50mm, 70-200mm. And then what I’ll have as my digital camera… Could just only use my 13mp phone camera, or the 7D i own, or a cheap P&S i have.
I scraped off all the screened on lettering and logo from my snowpeak mug. A while back i just only took off the little line that said “outdoor lifestyle creator” b/c i thought that was dumb. Now I just took it all off for a clean logo-less look. Way better.
I’m caring less about where i go, and more about that i just go. New York is an awesome place that is very tough to beat. But New York is not everything. And winning is not always the goal.
Last night i read my friends adventure blog. We’re Really Doing It. This time was Baja. It put things in a perspective I’m not sure I understand. A feeling that riding a bike around is nothing. But their whole thing started with riding a bike around. Although they had no experience. So same, but very different.
I guess the biggest thing of the month is a change in my investments. A good one that gives me more time and funds for a trip if i chose to take one.. Also i should get paid for a Red Bull job i’m finishing up. Bonus!
While being on hold by Eureka tent I started to look up after market replacement stuff while I waited. Seemed like a better option after 20 min of hold time. But when I got home I started looking closer at my tent poles. The end caps that hold the elastic in place unscrew. Easily. All I need is new elastic, feed it through, and tension is well. Done. Should be good as new.