propane tank and guard

More for emergency use only, I’d bought this shortly after buying the truck itself. Also a made in USA wool blanket to have for emergencies and regular use.
I did check that the heater worked and I’ve not used it since. Tonight it’s like 24° so I’m putting it to a real test. Keep me warm tonight. I’m hoping it’s staying in the emergency category vs regular use/buying fuel often.
Morning of day seven. Middlebury, Vermont. Just before I load it up.
Follow my tour project at dougdalrymple.com
Prismaticpowders.com swatches. Left to right. Moss Metallic, Misty Black, Sable Too, City Lights.
This has lived in between my toolbox at home and my tool pouch in my messenger bag for a number of years. And since I’ll no longer need the 32mm that’s in the Park RW-1 this will be my 15mm.
4 5/8″ and not too heavy.
I bought this at Autozone and not sure about the country of origin.
4 tours of riding clipped in. Two with SPD & road shoes and two with the LOOK style SPD-SL and road shoes. But I think I’m done with that. Not throwing them out, just swapping them out. Next tour I’ll try simple platforms and one pair of shoes for riding and walking. More mobile, less cloppy. I ride platforms everyday already I just hope its good enough for a loaded bike up hills.
The Vault pedal is large, light, comfortable, grippy, way stronger and stiffer than any plastic BMX pedal. The concave shape feels good underfoot. Installs with a 6mm.
Over the years I’ve tried many brands to find a great platform, so has Joe at BMW. He had a pair of these and i borrowed them for a few days. The feel of the concave and the greater surface area are what sold me.
Tools: 6mm, 2mm for pins
I’m happy to find a very good quality, made in USA bike short. I don’t mind that it’s mostly wool either. I think I’ll prefer it. Wool is good. Just these are my first wool shorts. I only got one.
more: ibex.com